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زيوت السمك الترا اوميجا 369 هي مجموعة من زيوت الأسماك عالية الجودة المصممة لتلبية أعلى معايير الجودة والنقاء التي تجذب أولئك الذين يبحثون عن أفضل الزيوت البحرية المتاحة. كبسولات الترا 3.6.9، تركيبة فريدة 3 في 1 توفر فوائد اوميجا 3 واوميجا 6 واوميجا 9 في كبسولة واحدة. يتم الحصول على هذه الأحماض الدهنية الأساسية المفيدة من الكشمش الأسود وزيوت بذور اليقطين وزيت السمك اوميجا 3 وزيت الزيتون. كل كبسولة 3 في 1 الترا اوميجا 369 توفر ما يلي: اوميجا 3: من زيت السمك النقي، تم إنتاجه في النرويج اوميجا 6: من زيت بذور الكشمش الأسود وزيت بذور اليقطين اوميجا 9: من زيت الزيتون (درجة جودة دستور الأدوية الأوروبي) توفر زيوت السمك الفائقة مصدرًا غنيًا للأحماض الدهنية الأساسية دي اتش (حمض دوكوساهيكسيكسينويك) واي بي ايه (حمض إيكوسابنتانويك) للمساعدة في الحفاظ على الصحة والعافية. يصنف حمض الايكوساهيكسانويك كأحماض دهنية أساسية لأنه لا يمكن للجسم صنعه بكفاءة ويجب الحصول عليه من خلال الحمية الغذائية. نحن نضمن النقاء والجودة مع منتجات زيت الزيتون المشهورة بجودتها. كما هو الحال مع جميع المنتجات الموجودة في مجموعة زيوت السمك الفائقة، يتم إنتاج زيت السمك عالي النقاء الموجود في الترا اوميجا 369 في النرويج. يخضع زيت السمك لعملية تنقية صارمة، بما في ذلك مراحل التقطير المتعددة والترشيح الإضافي، لضمان أعلى درجة نقاء للزيت. يتم اختبار كل دفعة بدقة واعتمادها وهي متوافقة تمامًا مع المواد الكيميائية الصارمة التي تطبق على الملوثات البيئية. هذا يعني أنه يمكنك التأكد من أنظف وأعلى معايير الجودة وخالية من الملوثات مثل الزئبق والديوكسينات وثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور. يتكون زيت السمك اوميجا 3 المستخدم في الترا اوميجا 369 من الدهون الثلاثية عالية الجودة، والتي يتم الحصول عليها من الأسماك الدهنية الصغيرة بما في ذلك السردين والأنشوف. طريقة الاستعمال: من كبسولة إلى كبسولتين في اليوم، يفضل مع وجبة ومشروب مثل الحليب أو عصير البرتقال
أفضل المراجعات من المملكة السعودية العربية
Mark Chisholm5.0: Okay I don’t buy into the whole supplement thing apart from a couple of items – zinc and fish oil because there is actual evidence of some benefits in experiments carried out by actual scientists.And right now getting a bit more vitamin D is almost certainly a ‘Good thing’ given that vitamin D is a hormone associated with respiratory function and the best way of getting some of it is fish oil or sun. Well living in the UK the sun is not all that bright in winter to say the least and of course that means getting it from somewhere else. So either eat some fish – which is fine – or take a supplement which I do.Vitamin D is something that C-19 has highlighted because those people with a deficiency have been found to suffer more from the virus. In particular those from an ethnic background that is from countries with a higher UV level are particularly deficient and should consider some supplement to bring their levels to a correct amount.On top of that of course this product has Omega 3 6 and 9 which are needed in a healthy diet for good heart health.The levels are not stupid high either. 400mg of fish oil is in the range that proper dieticians agree is correct which I believe off the top of my head is between 250 and 500mg per day.So bottom line is that these are a good thing to take if you don’t eat a lot of oily fish and olive oil.These are in easy to swallow tablets so no taste to worry about and hygienically packaged in foil so safe from contamination.Price is pretty good too. Overall a recommended product.
Jade Hewlett3.0: I thought I’d try Vitabiotics Ultra Omega 3 6 9 instead of my usual product once as it’s a good brand and seemed like a good balance of omega 3 6 and 9 but I’ve been left disappointed.There are 60 capsules in a box which will last up to two months depending on whether you choose to take one or two a day. The omega 3 is from fish oil (185mg) omega 6 is from blackcurrant seed oil (50mg) and pumpkin seed oil (40mg) and omega 9 from olive oil (28mg).When I started taking these I ended up getting faint headaches dry eyes and sleeping bad. I didn’t think it was anything to do with these but when I got another packet of the omega 3 brand I’d previously been using all of the above things I mentioned disappeared almost instantly. For this reason I have swapped back to the brand I was using before as I feel it’s better quality and the difference I felt has shown me this.I don’t think these are bad capsules but they’re not for me maybe they’ll work for you but I’ll be going back to the brand I used previously as I had better results with those.
R T2.0: I have been suffering from dry eyes in the last few weeks when I thought I would buy this product knowing that Omega 3 can help with eye issues. I bought two packs. I trusted Vitabiocs because I used their wellwoman vitamins in the past and they were great!The good: easy to swallow and no after taste.The bad : I started to have headaches the day I started taking them. Then I went on the internet to see if Omega 3 can cause headaches and apparently they could. So first I reduced the dose from 2 capsules to 1 but the headaches continued. I stopped taking them all together after 3 days because I could not cope with the headaches.I am very disappointed. What a waste of money. One pack is still unopened!Please note that different people react differently to medicine/supplements.
Stiven Skyrah2.0: Within these there’s a good amount of Omega oil in them (about 600mg per pod) the main downside to this product (as with most vitabiotic supplements) is the amount of packaging involved I don’t feel its good for the world to be having to pop each one of these out of foil every time. I’ve switched to the ones from BULK POWDERS you get much more for your money (1000mg) and they come in a nice little pot which means much less fiddling and packaging.
Valerie de Burgh5.0: Husband and I both use these and have no problem taking them. The capsules are long and quite large so if you have a problem swallowing capsules/tablets a smaller sized product might be better.
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